topological characteristic中文什么意思

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  1. A image retrieval model of fractal - based encoding topological characteristic
  2. The topological characteristics graph of flow is derived by means of topological analysis method
  3. There are so many challenging problems , such as how to model the diverse and complex information networks , how to get high efficient results in large network information retrieval , how to mining deeper content from the networks , what ’ s the essential rules of topic promulgation in information networks and how to predict the spreading behavior in the networks etc . after analysing the traditional topological characteristics of the web , we find that there exists a kind of high coherent relationship between the topological clustering and the content clustering in the information network based on microview
    包括web 、博客、即时通信、 p2p资源共享等各种信息网络迅速发展。对大规模信息网络的规律性特征发现、信息网络的建模、信息网络社区发现以及信息网络应用研究,例如高效率信息搜索与信息定位、信息内容的深度挖掘以及信息动态传播机制和信息扩散行为的分析等是信息网络研究的现实需求,也是极具挑战性的研究问题。
  4. This paper proposes a reliability evaluating method and its mathematical expression of tcnt ( tactical communication network topology ) . the topological characteristic of tcnt is complex and often changeable in the tactical environmental conditions . the evaluating method is simple , and it can express both performances of reliability and invulnerability of tcnt
  5. We introduce five topological characteristics and geometry characteristics that are invariant under projective transformation specially perspective projection . the definition of homograph is given by means of these characteristics , and then the recognizing method of the homograph is proposed according to the definition of homograph


  1. topological analysis method 什么意思
  2. topological approach 什么意思
  3. topological attribute 什么意思
  4. topological boundary 什么意思
  5. topological cell 什么意思
  6. topological chip plan 什么意思
  7. topological circle 什么意思
  8. topological codes 什么意思
  9. topological coding 什么意思
  10. topological completeness 什么意思


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